St Margaret’s


St Margaret’s, erected in the 1890’s, is remarkable for its beautiful squared blue stone walls. Dressings are all of brick.  The pyramid like cap was fired in one piece, as well as the caps of the pillars and front porch.

The mosaic floor in the porch is said to have been brought to Adelaide from an excavation in Greece.  Originally, the roof was made from slate, but later replaced by corrugated, galvanised iron.  The original owner, Arthur Waterhouse was a son of T.G. Waterhouse, who owned Waterhouse Chambers, corner of King William and Rundle Street, Adelaide.

Current status and listings

ACH Status:
Heritage Protection:
NTSA Listed, State Heritage Listed
State Heritage ID:

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3 thoughts on “St Margaret’s

  1. Pingback: Adelaide Architecture: A walking tour of 26 buildings | Little Green Nomad

  2. My family were caretakers of the adjoining offices (then architects, and we lived in the annexe at the back during the 1970s. Fond memories