Imperial Hotel


The Imperial Hotel, on the northeast corner of King William and Grenfell Street, was built in 1866 for Asher Hamm. Michael McMullen was the architect. A three-storied stuccoed building, it had two shops on the King William Street frontage as well as the usual hotel facilities. A similar building in King William street was Rigby’s premises of 1875. The Union Club occupied most of the first floor of the hotel and the third floor had a billiard room and bedrooms. It was demolished in 1960 for the National Mutual Building, built in 1961.

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7 thoughts on “Imperial Hotel

  1. Any descendants of John Henry Flanagan,
    Licensee of Imperial Hotel early 1900’s
    Still around? I am Interested in their Family Tree.

  2. Any descendants of John Henry Flanagan,
    Licensee of Imperial Hotel early 1900’s
    Still around? I am Interested in their Family Tree.
    Possibly a cousin submitted same comment??

  3. I am searching for people descended from John Henry Flanagan, licensee of Imperial Hotel, Adelaide, early 1900’.
    Marilyn Synnes