Eagle Hotel

Also known as:
Eagle Tavern, Leahy's Eagle Hotel, McDonalds Restaurant

This was built probably in 1867 on the site of the Eagle Tavern. The Eagle Tavern was opened in 1846 by a Mr Doran, who advertised that he was anxious to serve “families newly arrived in the colony and parties from the bush.”

The design of the veranda and balcony, in which the former protrudes further than the latter, is repeated in a number of similar buildings in the city mile (South Adelaide).

The building is now the site of a McDonalds restaurant.

Current status and listings

ACH Status:
Heritage Protection:
NTSA Listed

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7 thoughts on “Eagle Hotel

  1. I can remember as a young child, Mum brought me down to adelaide from Whyalla for our holidays, and we always stayed at the Eagle. For our meals we used to walk a little way up Hindley st to a fish and chip shop called Stones…fantastic memories

    • Thanks Kevin for sharing the memory. Now the Eagle holds a Macdonalds. Do you remember what you used to eat from Stones?

  2. I stayed at leahys eagle hotel in early april 1970, for a week before i had to appear for national service in the army.
    I cant remember much of the the refinements but i can only assume it was fairly basic.
    The only beer available in adelaide then there was southwark and west end, the southwark was revolting to my tender taste buds the west end somewhat kinder. During my stay in adelaide i almost ceased beer drinking.

    Mal mann

    • Yes, there’s certainly much greater variety in beer available on Hindley Street these days! Did the Eagle Hotel host many other army recruits while you were there?