Adelaide Mosque

1889 to 1890

Built in 1889-90, The mosque was built by the small Afghan community of South Australia. The four minarets were added by 1903. It is the only mosque within the square mile of Adelaide.

The Adelaide Mosque is historically significant as one of the few relics of Afghan immigration to South Australia in the nineteenth century. Camels were first imported in significant numbers in the 1860s and Afghan camel drivers played an important role in the development of outback South Australia. This community opened up much of the arid lands and kept them open by transporting necessary stores and mail to the station families. Camel trains and their drivers are no longer a part of the outback.

Current status and listings

ACH Status:
Heritage Protection:
NTSA Listed, State Heritage Listed
State Heritage ID:

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3 thoughts on “Adelaide Mosque

  1. The paragraph “it is the only mosque in Adelaide” is misleading. There are at least 6 mosques in Greater Adelaide. However Adelaide Mosque is still the only mosque in the original square mile of adelaide

    • An important distinction! Thank you for this feedback Rashid, we will revise the wording to make it a bit clearer for our readers.

  2. The sentence built by afghan community only is injustice to the people of other regions involved in construction. Truth of matter is it was built by camel riders from Afghanistan, Baluchistan (the largest province of Pakistan) and riders from north west India (now Pakistan).